5 Simple Skincare Hacks
5 Simple Skincare Hacks
Don’t worry, this isn’t another 12-step routine to add to your lineup.
As you might already know, over the past year I have become a full on skincare junkie. I have accepted it and fully own it. It is part of me now. However, it’s not one of those traits that I get all shy or embarrassed about. I’m a proud skincare lover, dammit! Your skin is the largest organ in your body and therefore is extremely important to nurture and protect it the best you possibly can. It’s also one of the only organs that you yourself can physically see. So don’t you want it to be happy and glowing??
I’ve talked a little bit about my skincare journey and how I got into skincare in a past blog, but this time I want to focus on some skincare hacks that have worked for me. We all know that there are a gazillion different skincare products out there and we also know that it can feel pretty overwhelming when deciding what products are best for you. What products will do the trick? What products will my skin react to? What products are worth the money? But one thing that isn’t always clear to people when purchasing skincare products are the tips and tricks to do in conjunction with the products to maximize results.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, friends… but you can buy the most expensive face serum out there and still not be satisfied with the results. The dissatisfaction can be from a variety of things (irritation, not for your skin type, too much or too little product, etc), but it can also be from simply not setting your skin up for success. Now, I want to remind you that I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL. These skincare hacks are just ones that I have picked up along the way and that seem to work for me.
Here we go:
Double Cleanse – This may seem odd because cleansing really is a straightforward step in the skincare routine. However, sometimes your cleanser on its own doesn’t have what it takes to do the full job the first time around. This is definitely something to be cautious of when wearing a lot of makeup. The way I think of it is that makeup is like dirt and when you have a lot of dirt on your hands from gardening, it usually takes more soap to get your hands clean. The same thing goes for your face. I suggest using an oil-based cleanser for round one to remove the makeup, followed by a water-based cleanser the second time around to clean all over. I noticed a huge difference when introducing this to my PM skincare routine.
Damp Skin – This is a more recent hack that I have been following. I used to wash my face and then completely dry it with a towel before applying my products to my face. Instead of this, try just dabbing the very wet areas of your face after washing (eyebrows, nose, under the chin) and then apply your products to damp skin. When you cleanse your face, your pores are open, clean, receptive, and ready for what’s next. The products will go into the pores immediately and are better absorbed this way. I find it’s best if your skin isn’t sopping wet but just damp.
Exfoliation is Key – One of the number one causes for pimples or irritations of the skin is a build-up of dirt. If you sweat, wear makeup everyday, or are just a normal human being, it’s very easy to miss spots when cleansing or can’t get to washing your face quick enough before the dirt sinks in. That is where exfoliation steps in! Exfoliating is so good for your skin and helps to pull the dirt out of the pores before it’s too late. But everytime you exfoliate, it’s equally as important to hydrate so your skin still has oils to work with. I suggest only exfoliating a couple times a week.
Sometimes Less is More – As I said, there are just sooo many skincare products out there, and brands make you believe that you need every single one in order to have flawless skin. This is a myth. Another reason that people will sometimes breakout or have irritation is from TOO much product on the skin. It all depends on your skin type, but typically a good serum, moisturizer, and eye cream will do the trick. Less is more, baby!
DRINK WATER – This is advice we constantly get in just about every aspect of our lives, so it comes as no surprise that this is also a skincare hack. A lot of people think that by drinking water it will bring hydration to the skin – this is also a myth. But, by drinking lots of water it does hydrate other internal organs, which in turn helps the entire body to have things moving & flowing properly, and therefore helps to bring more “life” to the skin. Drinking lots of water is just good for you all around!
Those are all of my skincare hacks for now, but I will continue to share as I learn more. I don’t think that there should be any skincare secrets here… we are all striving for the same goal so help a sista out and please share if you have any other skincare hacks!
Until next hump day…
Peace & love!
PS – Check out my past blog on But First…Skincare! for more info on some of the skincare products I use.