Don’t Sweat It, SWEATS IT
Don’t Sweat It, SWEATS IT
Ain’t no party like a sweatsuit party!
As we all know, quarantine/physical distancing has been REAL. I mean this in so many ways… physically, emotionally, mentally, but also fashion-istically – yes, I fully know this is not a real word. Not only do I miss my going out wardrobe, but it misses me too – I can tell by the look it gives me when I look at it in admiration 😭. There are just some things you can’t waste on sitting on the couch, eating chips, and binging Netflix, you feel? However, I think I speak on behalf of everyone when I say that we have all been giving our loungewear some SERIOUS love in the year of 2020… some may argue too much love (those are the people I question but that’s another story).
I personally loveeee being comfortable, therefore I love me some sweats. Anyone else with me? I love sweats in all of their beautiful and undeniably comfortable forms – sweatpants, sweatshirts, sweat shorts, sweat socks, you name it. In fact, comfort in style has really made quite the comeback in 2020. Starting back with the original Adidas tracksuit in the 60s, to the Juicy sweatsuit in the 90s, sweatsuits are now trendy all over again. If you were to ask me back in high school if a matching sweat suit was in my wardrobe, I would have given you the raised eyebrow and said, “I wouldn’t be caught dead”. Now, I can’t live without my sweats!
Over the course of quarantine and 5869392178505028458 days of loungewear, I have rediscovered my obsession with sweats. I’ve even gotten creative and tried to put together different looks and vibes with my sweats. As weird as it sounds, I’ve discovered that you can in fact dress your sweats up. Don’t call me crazy yet! Try by adding an oversized blazer, black boots, gold jewelry, and a cute bag. You might not wear this to a wedding but I’d wear it out for a patio drink no problem. Or if you’d rather play it safe, you can commit to full-on comfort with your sweats and rep some white sneakers and high tube socks. Both equally as great!
I’m not going to lie; my sweats collection has significantly increased since being in quarantine. WFH vibes all the way. But let’s be real, no one walks around their house in a bodycon tube dress alone if they don’t have to. I would say 70% of the time I’m in sweats, so why not invest in what you find to be cute AND comfortable? I found some cute sweat sets in stores and even jumped on the bandwagon and made myself a tie dye set.
I’m all aboard the sweats train (choo chooooo 🚂) and hope it is here to stay. Comfort and style are two of my favourite things that create a beautiful match made in heaven. AMEN!
Until next hump day…
Peace & love!