Back to the Basics
Back to the Basics
Basics are the bones.
I know, I know…This blog post may seem a bit redundant to you, but we NEED to talk about the basics in a serious way. There is a reason that there are hundreds of thousands of blogs out there regarding the basics in fashion. This is because the most important part of a wardrobe are the basics – the plain bodysuit, the classic pair of skinny jeans, the white sneakers, the black turtleneck, the nude pumps, and of course, the little white tees.
The basics are often referred to as the “filler” items in your wardrobe. I agree and disagree with this term. Yes, the basics will and should take up a decent portion of your closet and would therefore “fill” your wardrobe so to speak. However, I also say no to this because basics are dope on their own and can make a huge statement too. Without these staple basic items in your closet, it’s so much more difficult to put together those insta-worthy fits. TRUST!
When it comes to the basics, INVEST. I’m telling you. It may seem weird to spend a decent amount of money on something so plain and that is “not a statement piece” , but these items will get the most wear and will work as the starting point to a lot of your outfits. I also recommend investing in several of the same type of item, which may also sound weird. However, you can never have enough white tanks and tees, and black leggings and sandals. It’s a no-brainer for these items because you know they will get the wear. Whereas, if I find a funky, out there statement piece I adore, I have to think about it a little more and actually envision myself in a couple outfits with this piece before it makes sense to buy it.
For example, take a drool-worthy, jade-coloured trench coat (ugh) – such a bold statement piece and definitely not something you can wear everyday. Now, what would you pair it with? For me, I like to keep it casual and would pair it with a pair of high waisted light wash jeans, a white tee, and a pair of white sneakers. I would add a gold chain and maybe a headband to spice it up. If I didn’t have the starting basics in my wardrobe to go with this outfit, the drool-worthy, jade-coloured trench coat might seem like a little bit of a far fetched purchase. BUT if you have a solid combo of basics, these unique statement pieces become more and more realistic.
So basics are great, but where do I get them? Almost every clothing store has jumped on the basics train in some capacity. Basics are super trendy right now. No one wants to have to keep buying the same item again and again due to poor quality butI’ve purchased great basics from Aritzia, Free People, Aerie, and Zara and have been very pleased with the quality.
I may be biased because I love the basics more than your average Joe, but they are the best! Basics will never go out of style and can be incorporated into almost any outfit. I think of them as the building blocks to the foundation of an outfit – without the building blocks for support, the outfit could very well fall apart… LOL that was waaaaay too cheesy, but you know what I mean!
Until next hump day…
Peace & love!